Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Project Manager

The best job description I can think of for being a project manager is that I do everything that no one else wants to do. For example, I deal with paperwork and hassles associated with purchasing our computer and various softwares. I also research and test new APIs before using them, which is often a futile pursuit if those APIs turn out not to meet our needs. I organize meeting times for working on our project, and I try to keep those meetings structured and productive. I wrote and submitted the grant proposal for King Creativity Funding. I serve as a liaison between the Art Department and the Programming Team. Essentially, I do a lot of the non-coding, housekeeping kinds of jobs that keep the project running smoothly.

One thing I DON'T do is call the shots about the future directions of the project. These directions have historically been decided by discussion and with equal input from everyone involved. My job is not to say, "Here's what we're doing next." Instead, I say, "Where should we go from here?" And I try to facilitate conversation to that effect.

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